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Compensation + Total Rewards Leaders

Attract and retain the team you need with performance-based cash incentive plans.

With Keep, you can streamline and automate the management of sign-on, retention, performance bonuses, tuition reimbursement programs, and more.

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Man with helmet in a warehouse
The challenge

Delivering and tracking effective compensation today is complex - and often very manual

In the face of a significant labor shortage, we understand you may be feeling the pressure to not only attract but also retain your top talent and skilled labor.

It can be hard to deliver benefits and compensation employees want, without increasing costs. Not to mention the headache of tracking, managing, and collecting (if necessary) those funds in a scalable way.  


Talent Shortage

82% of respondents said they were actively hiring, however, 80% were having difficulty finding workers.

Challenger Hiring Survey


High Turnover

U.S. businesses lose at least $1 trillion each year due to voluntary employee turnover, much of which exiting workers say their managers or organizations could have prevented.




86% of employees surveyed say they would take an extra lump sum cash bonus (beyond existing compensation) in exchange for agreeing to stay with their company for a specified period of time.

Effective Compensation Survey 2022

Traditional retention-based compensation creates administrative headaches and unnecessary expense


Manual Tracking

Many track sign-on and retention bonuses manually, making automation and scalable edits difficult.


Clawbacks are expensive to enforce and many end up unenforceable.

Tax Complexities

Paying taxes up front leads to countless hours wasted on preventable W2 corrections.

It costs up to 40% of an employee’s base salary to hire a new employee with benefits.


The solution

Custom, scalable sign-on and retention bonuses

Keep Financial gives you a flexible compensation platform to offer, send, and manage your sign-on, retention, and performance-based bonuses. With Keep, you can improve your recruiting, retention, and performance through a fully digital, automated platform to deliver upfront compensation earned over time.


Automate compensation

A fully automated system to deliver upfront compensation tied to time-based and performance-based vesting

Track milestones

Enable employees and employers to track & celebrate milestones

Improve finances

Improve providers’ credit and help remove their financial roadblocks

Flexible and modifiable

Include flexible components like performance challenges, easily modify arrangements

Optimize cash flow

Optimize cash flow & AR management, defer taxes & automate collections

Reduce manual effort

Save time and money by automating manual tasks like bonus tracking, clawbacks, W2 corrections, and more.

Woman smiling, pensive

Keep Financial features

  • Turn-key product and no IT support required

  • Bonus dashboard with employer and employee views

  • Employee self-service portal to view milestones and withdraw bonus

  • Governance and compliance built-in

  • Finance-friendly, with robust auditing and reconciliation features 

“Keep has been an important tool in our employee retention program at Bestow, and we’re eager to utilize Keep Performing to better align performance objectives with significant compensation events.”

Claire Martin | CFO at Bestow Inc.

See Keep in action.
