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Retain key employees during mergers and acquisitions.

Increase the value of your retention pools, not the amount. Ensure your merger success includes retention, aligns incentives and drives performance with 'smart' compensation.


M&A People Strategy

A merger, acquisition (M&A) or restructuring is one way to bolster a business with instant access to technology, market share and resources. Human capital is often an organization’s biggest asset and this is especially true during a deal integration.

As such, businesses tend to put a great deal of effort into creating a positive, supportive environment in order to retain acquired and existing employees.

Retaining critical talent and ensuring the right people are in key roles are essential to a successful merger, acquisition, or business transformation.


The challenge

Traditional Compensation Limitations

M&A can lead to uncertainty and significant ‘shake up’ within all companies involved. It can be a jarring time when people begin to feel unsure of their value and position, and question their job security. To counter this, companies often put together lucrative retention packages, but despite that, most still see ongoing attrition of talent, sometimes the best ones are the first to leave.

Limits Goals

Deferred (or vesting) cash that is not accessible up front does not enable employees to hit their financial goals.

Doesn’t Drive Retention

Base pay and standard bonuses don’t drive retention. Once paid, there is little motivation to stay if another opportunity presents itself.

Complex Equity

Equity/stocks are hard to comprehend and sometimes have negative impact based on market fluctuations.

Lacks Motivating

It is a challenge to keep employees motivated and performing when they know money is guaranteed to come in the future

Vesting cash bonuses

Hiring, Retention, and Performance Solution.

Keep delivers the ability to instantly deliver a vesting bonus that meets an employee’s needs while delivering the additional benefits of tenure, emotional attachment, and trackable ROI. 

Keep’s platform will enable you to attract top talent, close new hires, and retain them longer.
Keep Platform Benefits
Turn-key Onboarding
Turn-key onboarding that allows HR teams to instantly leverage the platform with no dependence on IT integrations.
Bonus Management Dashboard
Bonus dashboard for HR teams to have an integrated view of their bonus portfolio with notifications and updates (for both employers and employees) about key milestones for bonuses.
Employee Portal
Employee self-service portal that lets employees manage their KEEP account and view their bonus vesting schedules.
Governance & Compliance
Governance and compliance features including robust auditing and reconciliation for the finance and FinOps teams to track every bonus and tax payments.
Keep Performance@2x
Performance Challenges
Attach performance challenges to bonuses. Set goals, if an employee achieves the goals you define, then the employee is rewarded with a reduction in vesting schedule or balance.
Embedded Fintech
Enable seamless bonus delivery and funding execution for increased efficiency. Intuitive user interface (UI) for any sized organization and employees at all salary levels.
Turn-key onboarding that allows HR teams to instantly leverage the platform with no dependence on IT integrations.
Bonus dashboard for HR teams to have an integrated view of their bonus portfolio with notifications and updates (for both employers and employees) about key milestones for bonuses.
Employee self-service portal that lets employees manage their KEEP account and view their bonus vesting schedules.
Governance and compliance features including robust auditing and reconciliation for the finance and FinOps teams to track every bonus and tax payments.
Attach performance challenges to bonuses. Set goals, if an employee achieves the goals you define, then the employee is rewarded with a reduction in vesting schedule or balance.
Enable seamless bonus delivery and funding execution for increased efficiency. Intuitive user interface (UI) for any sized organization and employees at all salary levels.

Employee Retention Program

Deploy a vesting bonus in minutes, not weeks.

Creating an equitable bonus and retention program can be challenging. With Keep, you can easily create and deliver vesting bonuses to the employees you wish to secure.

See how Keep can help you create an employee bonus program tied to retention in this short video.

Did you know?


Losing, attracting, hiring, and training employees can be expensive and time consuming.This is a very real, yet fixable problem with Keep Financial’s vesting bonuses.


Percentage of employees who responded yes to if a company invested in them, they would stay longer.

16% - 213%

Employee turnover costs between 15% and 213% of the workers salary.


Only 23% of businesses say they are not having trouble with hiring.


Workers actively looking 
for new job opportunities.

8 Months

Average number of month for an employee to reach full productivity.

42 Days

Average number of days 
it takes to fill an open position.


Turnover rates of 20% before the pandemic could face a turnover rate as high as 24% in 2022 and years to come.

46.7 Hours

Companies spend an average 
of 46.7 hours to train an employee.

The Keep Advantage.

Keep Financial is revolutionizing how companies attract and retain top talent with vesting cash bonuses – providing an easy-to-use platform to create and deploy usable cash to employees that are earned over their tenure.

  • Easy to implement and scale

    Delivers long-term engagement as these are not transactional but purpose-built to drive employee engagement.

  • Retain top talent

    Set bonus vesting schedules that drive retention. Enable employees to access the funds early to achieve their financial goals.

  • Build a performance culture

    Reward employees for tenure and performance. Performance challenges enable businesses to achieve goals and build morale.

More Keep use cases

Employer test-test
Signing Bonuses
Protect your investment in top talent with bonuses that drive retention and motivation.
Spot Bonus
Easily reward key employees for extra effort and show they’re valued, all while driving retention.
Ensure your merger, acquisition, or other business transformation aligns with top talent retention.
Beyond Equity
Give employees the flexibility to balance equity with usable cash tied to retention.
Performance Bonuses
Motivating employees to achieve specific goals can be challenging. KEEP Performing allows companies to create vesting cash bonuses with performance challenges attached.
Poaching Defense
Show your top talent they’re valued and desired at your company before a competitor does.
Tuition Reimbursement
Get smarter, more productive employees and retain them longer with Tuition Reimbursement from Keep Financial.

Retain top talent with valuable compensation during an M&A.
